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Say Goodbye to Low Lumens - LED is The Future - Light Market

Say Goodbye to Low Lumens - LED Lighting is The Future

South Africa has taken a major step towards energy efficiency by effectively banning incandescent and compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs for household use as of May 2024. The new regulations set a minimum luminous efficiency of 90 lumens per watt - a threshold only LED lamps can meet.

The old guard of lighting just doesn't cut it anymore. A typical incandescent bulb yields only 4-12 lumens per watt, while CFLs manage 47-70 lumens/watt. In contrast, LED bulbs blow them away at 90+ lumens/watt. That's up to 22 times more efficient than an incandescent!

So why does lumen efficiency matter? Higher lumens per watt means you get more brightness while using less electricity. Switching to LED bulbs translates directly into lower energy bills for your home or business. LEDs also have a far longer lifespan than old bulb types.

The regulations are a "good and obvious step" according to Grant Pattison of Savvy Saver. Any household transitioning to LEDs will immediately start saving money. For those with solar power, higher efficiency LEDs reduce the required system size.

LEDs are simply superior technology. As Pattison notes, LED options have exploded while old bulb types confused shoppers with too many choices. Soon, "you'll walk in a store and there'll just be LEDs" - no more outdated, inefficient bulbs.

The move will also reduce harmful waste, as CFLs contain mercury while LED bulbs are simple, clean semiconductor chips. South Africa is embracing a brighter, more efficient future with LED lighting.

We at Light Market have you covered with a wide range of LED products for every application:

  • Home LED bulbs and fixtures to replace any incandescent or CFL.
  • Industrial and commercial LED high bays and vapor tights.
  • Solar LED street, parking lot, and outdoor area lights.
  • Vehicle LED lights for added visibility and style.
  • Energy-saving LED panels, downlights, and troffers for offices.
  • Tamper-resistant LED fixtures for secure areas.
  • Linkable LED strip lights in any color for accent lighting.
  • And more for retail, food service, emergency, and specialty needs

With unmatched lighting performance, efficiency, and lifespan, LED is the clear way forward. Make the smart switch and gain the benefits of this revolutionary technology. Light Market has South Africa's biggest selection of top LED products at great prices. Browse our online store today!

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